
"My personal struggle... of losing my eye and adapting to a prosthetic inspired me to create Eyehesive. I offer personalized coaching to help individuals navigate the emotional and practical challenges of vision loss..."

My name is Shelby Perry, Im 32, I was raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, and now reside in San Diego, California. I find joy in staying active, socializing and spending time outdoors. As a yoga instructor, I also work closely with individuals recovering from addiction. My favorite sports include snowboarding, volleyball, and tennis. I have a passion for cooking, being productive, and creating a business that helps others. Unfortunately, a snowboarding incident in the winter of 2021 resulted in the loss of one of my eyes. This experience has shifted my focus to helping others who have also experienced the loss of an eye. 

As the founder and creator of Eyehesive, my mission is to support those affected by eye injuries. Every year, 2.4 million people in the United States suffer from eye injuries and in 2021, I became one of them. My personal struggle to find comprehensive resources during my own journey of losing my eye and adapting to a prosthetic inspired me to create Eyehesive. I offer personalized coaching to help individuals navigate the emotional and practical challenges of vision loss, and provide a community of support with access to a wealth of resources. 

After an event that left me struggling to cope, I searched for help and community but found little support. To address this, I began sharing my own story and subsequently collecting the stories of others. After a year of connecting with many individuals, I realized that providing one-on-one coaching could have a significant impact on the community 

While every struggle or trauma is unique, I believe one of the biggest challenges for many people is a lack of self-confidence in their appearance, abilities, or willingness to share their stories openly. 

If you have one eye, it's important to wear glasses every day to protect it, even though it may be difficult. I make an effort to wear them, particularly when going out. Additionally, it's crucial for all ages to have regular eye check-ups as advised by the doctor.

To follow Eyehesive on social media, check out the handles below!


Taline Dorna


Webb Ocular Prosthetics